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银河集团娱乐网址-10-09 11:02  生物医学工程银河集团娱乐网址

















1. 神经精神疾病多模态磁共振成像

2. 医学影像人工智能与大数据

3. 心境障碍人脑连接组学


秦堃,男,19959月生,医学博士,湖北医药银河集团娱乐网址附属太和医院,医学影像中心。本科毕业于华中科技大学同济医银河集团娱乐网址,硕博士毕业于四川大学华西临床医银河集团娱乐网址,曾赴美国辛辛那提大学医银河集团娱乐网址精神行为科开展为期一年的交流访问,长期从事神经精神疾病多模态磁共振影像研究,重点关注儿童青少年心境障碍及遗传风险的脑影像靶点。2020年至今在Nature Mental Health、EBioMedicine、Neuropsychopharmacology等国际著名期刊累计发表SCI论文33篇,其中以第一/共同第一作者发表高水平SCI论文11篇,最高影响因子11.1,平均影响因子7.4。作为分中心负责人参与全球抑郁症脑影像大数据联盟,并担任Neuroimage、Neurotherapeutics等期刊审稿人。


(1) Kun Qin#, Lei D#, Pinaya WHL, Pan N, Li W, Zhu Z, Sweeney JA, Mechelli A, Gong Q*. Using graph convolutional network to characterize individuals with major depressive disorder across multiple imaging sites. EBioMedicine. 2022 Apr;78:103977. (IF=11.1, 中科院1)

(2) Kun Qin#, Lei D#, Yang J, Li W, Tallman MJ, Duran LRP, Blom TJ, Bruns KM, Cotton S, Sweeney JA, Gong Q*, DelBello MP. Network-level functional topological changes after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in mood dysregulated adolescents at familial risk for bipolar disorder: a pilot study. BMC Psychiatry. 2021 Apr 28;21(1):213. (IF=4.4, 中科院2)

(3) Kun Qin#, Lei D# *, Zhu Z, Li W, Tallman MJ, Rodrigo Patino L, Fleck DE, Aghera V, Gong Q*, Sweeney JA, McNamara RK, DelBello MP. Different brain functional network abnormalities between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder youth with and without familial risk for bipolar disorder. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 银河集团娱乐网址 Jun 19. doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02245-1. Epub ahead of print. (IF=6.4, 中科院1)

(4) Kun Qin#, Zhang F#, Chen T, Li L, Li W, Suo X, Lei D, Kemp GJ, Gong Q*. Shared gray matter alterations in individuals with diverse behavioral addictions: A voxel-wise meta-analysis. J Behav Addict. 2020 Apr 1;9(1):44-57. (IF=7.8, 中科院1)

(5) Kun Qin#, Pan N#, Lei D, Zhang F, Yu Y, Sweeney JA, DelBello MP, Gong Q*. Common and distinct neural correlates of emotional processing in individuals at familial risk for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder: A comparative meta-analysis. J Affect Disord. 银河集团娱乐网址 Dec 17;348:97-106. (IF=6.6, 中科院2)

(6) Kun Qin# *, Sweeney JA, DelBello MP. The inferior frontal gyrus and familial risk for bipolar disorder. Psychoradiology. 2022 Dec; 2(4): 171–179. (IF暂无)

(7) Lei D# *, Kun Qin# (共同第一), Li W, Pinaya WHL, Tallman MJ, Patino LR, Strawn JR, Fleck D, Klein CC, Lui S, Gong Q, Adler CM, Mechelli A, Sweeney JA, DelBello MP. Brain morphometric features predict medication response in youth with bipolar disorder: a prospective randomized clinical trial. Psychol Med. 银河集团娱乐网址 Jul;53(9):4083-4093. (IF=6.9, 中科院1)

(8) Lei D#, Kun Qin# (共同第一), Pinaya WHL, Young J, Van Amelsvoort T, Marcelis M, Donohoe G, Mothersill DO, Corvin A, Vieira S, Lui S, Scarpazza C, Arango C, Bullmore E, Gong Q*, McGuire P, Mechelli A. Graph Convolutional Networks Reveal Network-Level Functional Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 2022 Jun 21;48(4):881-892. (IF=6.6, 中科院1)

(9) Pan N#, Kun Qin# (共同第一), Yu Y, Long Y, Zhang X, He M, Suo X, Zhang S, Sweeney JA, Wang S, Gong Q*. Pre-COVID brain functional connectome features prospectively predict emergence of distress symptoms after onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychol Med. 银河集团娱乐网址 Aug;53(11):5155-5166. (IF=6.9, 中科院1)

(10) Lei D# *, Kun Qin# (共同第一), Li W, Zhu Z, Tallman MJ, Patino LR, Fleck DE, Aghera V, Gong Q*, Sweeney JA, DelBello MP, McNamara RK. Regional microstructural differences in ADHD youth with and without a family history of bipolar I disorder. J Affect Disord. 银河集团娱乐网址 Aug 1;334:238-245. (IF=6.6, 中科院2)

(11) Long J#, Kun Qin# (共同第一), Wu Y, Li L, Zhou J*. Gray matter abnormalities and associated familial risk endophenotype in individuals with first-episode bipolar disorder: Evidence from whole-brain voxel-wise meta-analysis. Asian J Psychiatr. 2022 Aug;74:103179. (IF=9.5, 中科院4)

(12) Pan N#, Kun Qin# (共同第一), Patino LR, Tallman MJ, Lei D, Lu L, Li W, Blom TJ, Bruns KM, Welge JA, Strawn JR, Gong Q*, Sweeney JA, Singh MK, DelBello MP. Aberrant Brain Network Topology in Youth with a Familial Risk for Bipolar Disorder: A Task-based fMRI Connectome Study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 银河集团娱乐网址 Dec;已接收(IF=7.6, 中科院1)


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